Thursday, May 9, 2013

April and May Photos

Little Ging pictured here... he was in the bathroom taking a rest. Literally, he was sleeping here, because he did not move as the flash went off. Hilariously cute sleep position, don't you think?!

One of the flowers decided to bloom! The last time I saw it bloom was on our wedding day back in December :)

We found a plant nursery near our house, so Ed and I picked up some flowers to plant. I have seen such vibrant colors here! Well... Meera decided that she wanted to tear up the coconut tree, leaving it with the rest of the new plants (coconut tree on the far left). We did get all of the plants in the ground and they are doing fine now!

Our second visit to Singapore, middle of April. I wanted to go to the Dairy Farm. Not what we expected, as this is what it was, but a pleasant surprise! Kirsty, Edwin and I had an awesome jungle hike- we found a path going off of this walking path. We got back just in time to beat the evening rain storm.

Also in Singapore, we visited Marina Bay (also pictured below). Though we were there at night, it was very nice. We walked around and went into the 'mall' right next to the Bay... mingled with the millionaires a bit, as we obviously could not afford anything coming from any of the shops! 

Crazy, but I don't ever remember seeing real-live lilly pads! Well, I found some in this cool water garden that we passed as we walked around the Bay. No frogs, though  :)

We ventured up north a couple weeks ago to visit Edwin's family. Then we went further north to see the state of Terengganu. This was the beach we found... the sand was so gold, I've never seen it that color before! Here we are on the east coast of the country, bordering the South China Sea. I collected some neat-o sea shells too!

He's thinking about it, and he was going to climb up, but I complained too much about the danger!

There was a cave we were able to walk through.

'Oh, you don't let me have any fun!' 

Such a cutie-pie, she walking at about 10 months! Our little niece and God-daughter, Nicole, wearing Uncle Edwin's hat.

Back on the home-front, Edwin did some work on the car. I am also a very good and patient helper, if I may say so myself ;)

After trying to be so vigilant in caring for our trees and plants, we are both so excited to see one of the trees flowering and fruiting!! 

Double rainbow we saw at Ed's parent's house on the day of Elections, May 5 (the second is very faint above the power line). Unfortunately, we thought it would foretell a better election outcome. But, we always have the promise that God is faithful, even when we don't understand.